The South West region covers Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, and Bristol.

The South West of the UK has some exceptional diving combined with enthusiastic support from a wide variety of instructors and divers. It is very active with a good mixture of interests between branches. We have a very experienced technical group along with some busy large branches who dive multiple times a week. 

We want to continue the excellent work that has gone on before, both in this region and others, ensuring as we move forward, we have an engaged and strong multi-disciplined regional team.

We hope to bring our clubs closer together to help and support each other where possible, be that with instructor support to cover an area that is lacking or just to potentially sharing resources and ideas.

View upcoming South West region events

Your Regional Coach

This role is currently vacant. If you are interested in becoming a Regional Coach or in supporting your regional team please email us.

 Training and events in the South West Region

The regional team offers a variety of SDCs and events each year which are driven by the demand from our clubs. Specific courses can be requested, the team will do its best to deliver them in order for divers who want to develop their skills can do so.

View all South West Regional events

Want to join the regional coaching team?

We welcome anyone from Assistant Diving Instructors (ADIs) to National Instructors (NIs) who would like to develop or help develop others. If you would like to assist with courses then please email us.

Find us on social media and keep up to date with our activities:

South West Region Facebook page

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