The South East region is blessed with an excellent infrastructure servicing mile after mile of uninterrupted coastline.
It offers everybody the opportunity to explore one of the most spectacular underwater adventure playgrounds in the world. With an abundance of wrecks and reefs, there really is something for everyone to enjoy.
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Your Regional Coach
About Nick Sims, South East Regional Coach
I decided to learn to dive in 2018 with my wonderful wife Amanda, after we did some amazing snorkelling with whale sharks in Mexico. My introduction into diving as an Ocean Diver involved near zero degree temperatures at Wraysbury and drysuit nightmares. The thought of giving up certainly entered both our minds but with some encouragement we decided to push on, and what a good job we did.
I quickly found how much I loved diving and powered through my Sports Diver and Dive Leader in quick succession building up lots of dives and experience as I went along, before moving on to Advanced Diver and OWI in 2022. I joined the regional team to advance my instructing skills and undertook my Advanced Instructor in 2023, after which I spent most of 2024 preparing for FCD.
During this time I took over as Kingston and Elmbridge SAC Training Officer for 2 years followed by 3 years as Diving Officer; a position I am still honoured to hold at such a wonderful dive club.
All my diving achievements can be accredited to other people selflessly giving up their time to impart their skills and knowledge to me, which has made me want to do the same for others.
"Within BSAC, we generally dive for a hobby, but to keep safe we need instructors who can ensure that clubs and members receive the highest quality training and support they need to advance their skills and achieve their ambitions. As South East Region Coach my objective is to help as many people and clubs as possible to grow and become all they can be."
Training and events in the South East Region
To help you continue to develop and improve your diving skills, the South East region runs a comprehensive selection of SDCs and diving lectures, ranging from Ocean Diver practical sessions to Advanced Diver theory sessions, with Oxygen Administration, Boat Handling, Diver Coxswain and the ever-popular Accelerated Decompression Procedures being a selection of the wide range of SDCs that the region runs to help you maximise your enjoyment of this wonderful sport.
View all South East Regional events
Want to join the regional coaching team?
I hope to build a team of talented and committed instructors that will help grow the clubs in the South East by bringing on new instructors; and help BSAC achieve its future goals in giving members all they need to fully enjoy their diving in a safe environment.
New instructors are always welcome to expand the team. If you enjoy teaching, the team can help develop your teaching skills whilst you help develop others.
To join the team, email the South East Regional Coach