The Eastern Region is full of exciting opportunities. We have the most landlocked clubs on the western side of our region and also access to the beautiful east coast. We are very diverse!
Your Regional Coach

About James Soos, Eastern Region Coach
I was appointed Eastern Region Coach in January 2025 and feel honoured to take a leading role in the same diving organisation that began my own scuba diving career. Whilst serving in the British Army, I quickly excelled in the field and became an OWI in October 2019. I am able to teach recreational diving and both open and closed circuit technical diving. My favourite has to be technical diving and I am always happy to jump into the water, no matter what the weather! The underwater world is such a magical place and I love sharing this opportunity with as many people as possible.
I’m going to borrow the words of Jacques Cousteau:
"We must go and see for ourselves."
How we help and support divers and clubs in the Eastern Region
I want to make connections between clubs and commercial diving centres. My vision is to bring together our expertise and training abilities to make the whole region a strong unit where everybody can continue to develop their diving skills, build their confidence underwater and have plenty of fun along the way!
Training and events in the Eastern Region
The region has a diverse range of instructors covering all aspects of BSAC courses. As an instructor I am a big believer in developing and coaching the diver to achieve their goals, whether it be Buoyancy & Trim because they enjoy photography, to wanting to be an AMG diver with their heart set for a trip to the Britannic.
Me and the team are working hard to bring you the courses you have asked for in locations convenient for all. Stay tuned!
If there is a course you would like to do, get in contact and we will do our best to signpost you to the right trainer. This year, we are looking to host a Try Tech event and keep your eyes peeled to our social media channels for further exciting opportunities over the coming months.
View all Eastern regional events
Want to join the regional coaching team?
We always welcome enthusiastic and committed instructors who wish to join the Eastern regional team. Any qualified instructor can join us, and it’s the perfect place for newly qualified OWIs to hone their skills and more experienced instructors to keep their hand in and support others.
If you are already a BSAC instructor and want to help out please email us.