Founding Principles
BSAC is a member’s organisation which supports diving and diver training within a branch (Sometimes referred to as a club) system as well as through BSAC Centres. All members have a duty to treat each other with respect and courtesy and to abide by the rules, regulations and policies at all times and to uphold the integrity of the organisation and its members. The BSAC Code of Conduct serves as a guidance document not only to show a basic standard of behaviour but also to set out the principles of disciplinary procedures should they become necessary.
The principles governing this Code of Conduct are founded in Article 80 or the Articles of Association of the British Sub-Aqua Club.
“Every member of BSAC shall be bound to further to the best of his ability the objects interests and influence of BSAC and shall observe all the rules and recommendations of BSAC and shall undertake not to bring or join in bringing any action claim or other proceeding against BSAC its Officers or Members on account of their bona fide actions not contrary to these articles and carried out in the course of furthering the objects of BSAC.”
In dealing with disciplinary matters it should be recognised that members should act " the best of their ability..." and the test should be that conclusions are reached on the balance of probability rather than any higher legal standard.
BSAC members
BSAC members, by accepting membership, agree to abide by the rules, regulations and guidelines of BSAC and to act in a manner consistent with membership of BSAC in all matters and not to act in any way which may bring BSAC, BSAC Branches and/or its members into disrepute.
As a general principle this will include but not be limited to:
- Comply with their training and adhere to BSAC Safe Diving and other guidance.
- Understand and comply with BSAC Policies especially with respect to:
- BSAC Code of Conduct
- Safeguarding
- Diversity and discrimination
- Respect of Marine environment (wreck and marine life)
- Treat everyone with respect and common courtesy in all communications including:
- In person
- Correspondence
- Social Media
Applying these principles will mean there should be no reason for disciplinary procedures.
However the following pages will provide advice and guidance should disciplinary action become necessary and a formal Grievance procedure should all efforts at resolving disciplinary action be unsuccessful.
Sections will cover