It's Time to Talk Day, so BSAC is encouraging its clubs to get talking about mental health with its members in an effort to end the stigma surrounding it.
This year, Time to Talk Day is using the popular game ‘Would you rather?’ to help break the ice and get the conversation flowing. Sports clubs across the country will be getting members, coaches, fans and local communities to open up to each other, to talk and to listen.
Sport can play a huge part in sparking conversations about mental health, whether that’s at the pool, on the waterside, at the clubhouse, in the pub, or in the changing rooms. It provides a natural environment for an established club network of people which helps facilitate engagement in mental health awareness.
Former BSAC Chair and mental health expert Eugene Farrell said:
It’s a simple idea, you just talk and listen. We can all do that, whether it’s over a coffee after a dive, at the pool or in the pub. The more we all talk about mental health the more we break down the barriers and stigma, after all, we all have mental health.
There are some great resources available, and clubs can get involved today by promoting Time to Talk or create an event later. You’ll find plenty of tips, ideas, and resources on how you can get involved on the Time to Change website.
Join the fun, find your local BSAC club or join BSAC online today.
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