Looking to get back into diver training? Here are 10 top tips for keeping safe and Covid-secure while getting back in the water!
In general, clubs should follow government guidance on keeping safe. Plan, prepare and practice scenarios for gathering and teaching. You can find our full guidance on diving and training during Covid-19 online.
1. Utilise small groups
More than ever, small groups are the key to safe and efficient training. Household bubbles are also ideal!
2. Communicate all expectations in advance
Ensure that all trainees know what to expect from each session in advance of their arrival in order for it to run smoothly.
3. Keep the same kit
If you provide trainees with kit, issue them with that kit for the duration of their training.
4. Explain Covid-secure routines before the session
Ensure all trainees know exactly what they need to do and not do while poolside, waterside, and in the kitroom prior to arriving for training.
5. Short briefings
Keep breifings and debriefings concise while in-person.
6. Demo-do
Demo-do skills as much as possible instead of explaining them - this means more time spent underwater and/or reg in.
7. Masks on / regs in
For surface work (e.g. after CBLs), keep your masks on and regulators in. Avoid taking your reg out and speaking where possible.
8. No regulator sharing
This goes without saying, but don't share regs, even on dry runs!
9. Make adjustments for rescue breaths
Check out BSAC's guidance on making adjustments for rescue breath training - this includes utilising household bubbles where possible or in-water manikins.
10. Extended-arm tows
When towing, hold the kit not the person to reduce contact.
BSAC guidance on returning to diving and training
BSAC has detailed guidance documents on rescue and CPR procedures, rescue breath training, swimming pools, equipment management, shore diving and more.
It is important to note that the self-declaration medical form for diving and snorkelling has been updated. Confirmed Covid-19 cases should seek advice from a UKDMC medical referee to ensure they are safe to resume diving. Find out more.
Join the BSAC community
The BSAC network is working together to keep people connected to the sport. With online training, special interest webinars, competitions, support to clubs and the trade, and much more...we'd love you to join us.
This Learning Curve was originally published in SCUBA magazine, Issue 107 October 2020. For more membership benefits, visit bsac.com/benefits.
Images in this online version may have been substituted from the original images in SCUBA magazine due to usage rights.