Photo credit: Kirsty Andrews' image of barnacle-covered mussels were commended in the Wide Angle category

Kirsty Andrews reports from this year’s Torbay BSAC Splash-In, which challenges photographers to ever more creative heights.

I’m writing this column still buzzing from one of my favourite events of the UK SCUBA diving calendar, the Torbay BSAC Splash-In.  

Each year, underwater-loving types from near and far descend upon Devon to put their hat in the ring - or more specifically in the geographic area of Torbay, between Babbacombe in Torbay and Cod Rock near Brixham, to take photos, whether on fancy cameras or more modest ones. During a tightly controlled 19-hour window from 10pm on Friday, splash-in entrants can dive, snorkel, dip their toes in rock pools et cetera before handing in their chosen photos by 5pm on Saturday. Merriment follows: drinks, dinner and a show of everyone’s shots, before winners are crowned.  

For the past several years, long-renowned and respected underwater photographer Peter Rowlands has performed judging duties, and there’s also a popular vote; it’s always interesting to see what’s a crowd pleaser. Although it’s not the main motivator for me, the competition has a range of decent prizes and I particularly appreciate that the best prize is the beginners’ category, sponsored by O’Three.

What is it that gives this competition its winning formula? To a large extent, it’s the level playing field. Everyone is in the same boat, not literally, thankfully, but we all have to make the best of the same conditions (which, in Torbay, often include a smattering of silt). Unlike other competitions, there isn’t an in-built advantage to being able to wait for the best conditions or travel the world or even the best UK sites - very few would claim that Torbay is the best UK diving, but it does have its excitements, and this is a good opportunity to show those off. 

Having the best, shiniest, most expensive gear isn’t the key to success either. Of course, it’s a factor, but I really appreciate that there is a compact category and also a beginners’ one. There are other ways to give yourself an edge and these are things like dedication, planning, creative thinking and, of course, luck.

Unlike other competitions, there isn’t an in-built advantage to being able to wait for the best conditions or travel the world or even the best UK sites

Then there’s the social side. Personally I can’t wait to see what others have come up with on the day, talking excitedly of our finds by the bar, and being wowed by others’ efforts. This year there was a species I’d never seen before in Torbay, and an impressive iPhone panorama that really caught my eye (unlucky I’m not the judge, Dave Peake). The whispers of, who was up at midnight trying a night dive and is now really quite bleary eyed (that was me); who was it who clambered along the coastal path and scrambled down a rocky ravine to shore-dive an exciting arch (also me, two years ago; it was worth it). Did one diver try to hide their best subject from their buddy? (…definitely not me, although he may claim I intentionally didn’t show him four bobtail squid but it was an accidental omission…)

Kirsty Andrews Torbay Splash-in 2024

[L] Chairman Richard Blair congratulates Malcolm Nimmo (Wide Angle winner); [R] with Terry Griffiths (Macro winner)

Torbay BSAC have always been a lovely welcoming bunch and I thank Richard, Tim and their fellow divers for great hospitality on the evening. I imagine if every BSAC member across the country is inspired to enter next year that could be a bit of a shock to their entry system, but I genuinely think that they’d welcome other keen divers along to share in the fun, especially beginner ‘togs’, as we keen photographers say.  

I’d encourage other clubs to run their own splash-ins too; maybe just to add another dimension to a normal diving weekend - it doesn’t have to be quite so organised as those Devon pros but it does bring a new level of interest, friendly competition and challenge to our favourite sport. Get snapping and splash in! 

Editor’s note: you can view the set of winning images from 2024 on the Torbay BSAC website (scroll to the bottom of the page). 

Article ‘Torbay – the great leveller’ by Kirsty Andrews first published in SCUBA magazine, Issue 148 September 2024.

Underwater Photography SDC Course

Underwater Photography

The course teaches the basics of underwater photography to a qualified diver. Open to anyone who has completed BSAC Sports Diver course (or have equivalent certification from another recognised training agency) and is very familiar with your diving equipment.

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