Sophie Rennie, BSAC's National Diving Officer, has provided a quick update following her first few weeks in post as National Diving Officer (NDO).
I have been working with HQ to understand the strategy and direction of travel for BSAC. A new updated strategy is being worked on and will be launched at the BSAC Diving Conference in October. It has been useful to understand the challenges and areas for growth: with a focus on attracting young people into our sport, snorkelling will help this!
As you all know we now have Sophie Heptonstall as Head of Diving and Training, and she is there to support me and the National Diving Committee (NDC). We will be working closely together to deliver priority projects that will benefit the BSAC membership.
National Diving Committee changes
In order that we align with strategy and the vision of BSAC being the go-to diving community I have decided that the best way forward is a smaller NDC. This will consist of Chief Examiners only in the various components that make up our courses and exams.
What I will do is look at having expert groups for the various projects, so a working group for a particular project which produces the work and then can be stood down. That way we get to use so many talented people in BSAC but also don’t burn them out, as they will have clear beginning and end goals and feel satisfied that they have produced something. This opens up opportunities far and wide across the organisation and allows us to involve more members on a central level.
New NDC team
I’m delighted to announce that I now have a team in place:
- National Instructor Chief Examiner – Sophie Rennie
- First Class Diver Chief Examiner – Dave Lucas
- Advanced Instructor Chief Examiner – Mike Baker
- Open Water Chief Examiner – Sam Clarke
- OWI Practical Lead Instructors – Rob Jackson, Steve Slater and Tom Kerr
- Tech Chief Examiner - Alex Warzynski
- Seamanship Advisor – Steve Cowley
- Diving for All Chief Instructor - Mick Stewart
- Medical Advisor - TBC
- Military Advisor – Ginge Crook
- Expeditions Officer – Andy Hunt
Some of the previous NDC roles will now report directly to the CEO due to the roles being closely aligned with the BSAC strategy managed by HQ. This enables my team to be focused on core diving and training projects. All teams will interact closely with each other in line with the strategy.
Key strategic advisors
In addition, the following advisors now report to the BSAC CEO:
- Heritage Advisor – Ali Mayor
- Scientific Advisor - Gavin Anthony
- Snorkelling – BSAC Diver Resources Team
I'm sure you will join me in welcoming all new members of the team and wish them well in their roles.
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