In this useful scuba diving guide to Prussia Cove, Cornwall, UK shore diving author and BSAC member Anita Sherwood shares her top tips with the diving community.
Prussia Cove
Prussia Cove is a picturesque, tranquil bay with a glorious backdrop and a knockout dive. Yet it has a catch. A long hike is involved so trolleys are a must! You’ll ask yourself on the way down if this is really worth it and the answer is ‘yes’. Luckily the dive is shallow, so one cylinder may allow two dives.
After leaving the pebble bay, head straight out to sea until you eventually hit sand. Straight in front is a ridged island, overhung on the east side where corkwing wrasse nest in the spring (similar to a bird’s nest). After exploring, head on a new compass bearing of east and after a short fin over the kelp forest a huge mushroom-shaped rock emerges.
Drop down below the kelp line into a cavernous bell-shaped gorge, covered in swathes of squirts and peppered with jewel anemones. Continue on, picking your way past the jumble of rocks and slithering down many steep gorges. One of the highlights of this dive is that you’re very near to a seal colony, so it is quite common to be joined along the way with more than just a buddy.

Location: Near Penzance, Cornwall
Directions: A394 Penzance-Helston, right follow signs Prussia cove, Prussia car park (arrive early as parking spaces are limited)
Sat Nav: TR20 9BB (nearest postcode)
Grid refs: SW556279 Lat: 50:06:05N Lon: 5:25:08W
Air fill: Atlantic Scuba: 01326 618583 (shop) 07866 510103 (mobile) www.atlanticscuba.co.uk
Currents: Nil/slight current. Swells after SE, S, SW, W winds
Hazards: Possible boat traffic, dive with a surface marker buoy
B&B: Nablus B&B: 01736 761889
Coastguard: Falmouth: 01326 317575
This UK Diving article was originally published in SCUBA magazine, Issue 106 September 2020.
Featured image by Anita Sherwood - Anemones under the kelp line
Anita is also the author of two beautifully illustrated, authoritative guides to UK shore diving, find out more.