BSAC Premier Seamanship Centre Jurassic Aqua Sports has developed two workshops to support progression to Diver Coxswain and help boost the number of confident boat handlers in the club network.

Based in Weymouth, Jurassic Aqua Sports has specialised in Seamanship Courses and related Skill Development Courses (SDCs) since 2019. 

In addition to their BSAC Seamanship training, they also now offer their own Post Boat Handling Workshop and a Diver Coxswain Preparation Workshop. 

As a commercial dive skipper and BSAC Advanced Instructor, Jurassic Aqua Sports’ centre director, David Collins developed the two additional workshops with the support of BSAC.

He created the two workshops after seeing many of his Diver Coxswain students unprepared for the assessment.

Jurassic Aqua Sports chart work course

David explained:

We were getting many students enrolling on the Diver Coxswain Assessment who suddenly found themselves not ready or prepared. I realised there was a missing link to get the students up to Diver Coxswain and so the workshops evolved from there.

The centre’s Diver Coxswain Preparation Workshop works to get divers who have completed the BSAC Boat Handling Course up-to-speed on what is expected of them in the final assessment, while the Post Boat Handling Workshop enables new BSAC Boat Handler’s to consolidate their skills. 

Jurassic Aqua Sports boat launching

David added:

The Post Boat Handling Workshop was designed to enable students to develop their skills in both theory and practical elements, with a minimum of five hours behind the helm to gain confidence.   
This workshop also creates an avenue for those who don’t have access to a RHIB or wish to fast track their training to gain the Diver Coxswain qualification. 

The workshops run by Jurassic Aqua Sports can also be complemented by additional SDCs such as Chartwork and Position Fixing and shore-based courses including Oxygen Administration, First Aid for Divers and AED.  

For more information on the BSAC Seamanship courses and workshops go to

Boat Handling SDC course

Boat Handling Course

This practical boat-based course gives each student time at the helm of a small dive boat to practise their skills. Open to anyone over 14 years and non-divers too.

Read course details

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