This week marks Volunteers’ Week - a time where organisations around the world give thanks to the volunteers that keep them going.
BSAC is closely interlinked with volunteering, and the club as we know it wouldn’t be the same without the time, energy and commitment of our thousands of volunteers. From instructors and club officers to new member buddies and admin helpers, everyone who gives their time to BSAC and other members is greatly valued. We simply wouldn't be able to do what we do without you, and so we extend a heartfelt thank you.
And, because of the way BSAC operates, all our members will have benefited from volunteers at some point in their scuba journeys. Whether it’s through club or regional training, trips and social events or even in reading SCUBA magazine, there is a volunteer behind the scenes making sure everything goes smoothly.
This past year the hard work of our volunteers has been felt more than ever as we have all adapted to the pandemic, including through the delivery of hundreds of training and special interest webinars.
BSAC CEO Mary Tetley said:
Volunteers are the heart and soul of BSAC. All BSAC members have at some point benefitted from the time given up by others in the organisations, and so it’s especially important that we say thank you to these volunteers. Volunteers keep BSAC going, and for that we are immensely grateful.
There are 10,000+ volunteers who make BSAC tick, and to each of them, we say a big thank you!
Join the BSAC community
The BSAC network is working together to keep people connected to the sport. With online training, special interest webinars, competitions, support to clubs and the trade, and much more...we'd love you to join us.