Snorkel Instructor Trainer Marg Baldwin offers some support and encouragement on engaging our snorkellers and young people during lockdown.
The activity on the BSAC website during the lockdown has been amazing. There is advice on remote learning, everything from using Zoom to how to use WebEx for training sessions. The talents and commitment of the BSAC membership is on full display being soundly supported by HQ with many articles and now the weekly newsletter ‘BSAC Spirit’.
I know Snorkelling Branches are sharing amongst themselves their initiatives to use remote training and how they are keeping their members engaged. I am hoping they will very soon share their initiatives and developments with a wider audience via the BSAC website.
Many of our snorkellers are in the younger age groups. Maybe there are concerns over contact with young people and using various forms of social media. Remember we have extensive guidance in Buddy Guard the BSAC Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and a revisit to read the guidance on use of mobile phones and social networking sites is very helpful.
Establishing remote training with young people
Make sure you consult with their parent or guardian as to the email address it is appropriate to use to establish contact and issue details of planned training events.
Plan the training to take place on the normal day and time of a Branch meeting.
Invite parents or guardian to sit in.
If your Branch has established remote training please do share with us how it has been accomplished and how it is going.
Buddy Guard good practice guidance – Social networking sites
Instructors and voluntary helpers and those in a position of trust
- We should not accept any request to be a “Friend” of our students where we are in a position of responsibility over them. All such requests should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) unless the junior member concerned is a relative.
- Do not publish photos of BSAC members on social networks unless they follow the recommendations in the club photography guidance.
Our junior members also have responsibilities
- They should not accept any request to be a “Friend” of their club instructors or others in a position of responsibility in the club and should report all such requests to the CWO unless the adult concerned is a relative.
- Again, you should not publish photos of BSAC members on social networks unless they follow the recommendations in the club photography guidance.
Of course, it goes without saying no one should use the social network site as a medium by which to abuse or criticise BSAC members or clubs.
Games and other activities
Ideas for various activities for all ages have been published in BSAC Spirit. I am aware of at least one Snorkel Branch holding a virtual Easter egg hunt. Do share your ideas and activities to help through the next few weeks and maybe they can be turned in real snorkelling activities when we are allowed back in the water.
Think SAFE – Snorkel SAFE
Marg Baldwin
Snorkel Instructor Trainer
Find out more about snorkel training.
New web section: Club support during Covid-19
Check out the new support for clubs including tips, tools and ideas to help your club.