As well as progressing your diver or snorkeller training within your own club, did you know that BSAC has a network of regional teams who can offer additional support?
With 14 regions around the UK, plus a Regional Coach for northern Europe, these highly skilled and experienced teams of volunteers are a huge asset within the BSAC community. Created to directly support both clubs and members, each region is led by a Regional Coach.
Here are just some of the ways you and your club can benefit from your regional team:
Support with in-house Skill Development Courses (SDCs)
Your regional team can assist or facilitate SDCs within your club if you don’t have enough instructors. Better still, these events can be shared with nearby clubs to make the most of the training opportunity while making new diving friends!
Access to regular regional training days and events
Each BSAC region stages a programme of training events to support clubs and members. There's something for everyone, from SDCs to tailored training days to help progress diving grades.
Tailored training courses
If you can’t find a specific SDC or training event near to you, or your club has additional training support needs, then your regional team can stage events on request. Chat to your Regional Coach to find out what they can offer.
Instructor development opportunities
If you need approved instructor status for SDCs, your Regional Coach could help.
Guidance and advice on club matters
Sometimes, your club may need extra expert help to get the most out of BSAC training or support its membership. Your Regional Coach is on hand to help.
So, if you haven’t already, now’s the time to get to know your Regional Coach. You can find your regional team at bsac.com/regions and if you need advice, support, or extra help with training, drop them a line.
To keep up to date with what’s going on in your region, it’s also a good idea to like their Facebook page.
Interested in joining your Regional Team as a volunteer?
Get in touch with your Regional Coach as there are always opportunities for Open Water Instructors and above to get involved.
Join the BSAC community
The BSAC network is working together to keep people connected to the sport. With online training, special interest webinars, competitions, support to clubs and the trade, and much more...we'd love you to join us.