A new video series has been created by volunteers with bite-sized videos demonstrating skills that can be practised at home.

The videos have been created by instructors as an aid to fellow BSAC members and are designed as a supplement to the core BSAC training programme.

The videos are short, easy to digest and are designed specifically to help members practice and develop skills at home. The video series, which will grow over time, covers a range of topics including:

  • Entry-level videos for beginners including assembling and disassembling kit
  • Equipment care demonstrations
  • Dive planning
  • Decompression / technical diving
  • Navigation and position fixing
  • Knots

The idea behind the videos is to help keep our community engaged in the sport while at home. 

Instructor and think you could add something? Great! Please get in touch with your ideas.

Member and would like to request a specific video? Please email the team and we’ll do our best to get your suggestion added.

Please note, these new videos are not a replacement of BSAC training, they are designed to complement training.

Check out the new video series



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Diving skills to hone at home - videos

Short videos design to help members practise and develop skills at home.

Check it out

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