Looking for funding for a club project but don’t know where to start? Or does that application form for a grant-making body keep slipping further down the ‘to-do’ pile?

Well, there’s no better time to apply for funding than today, says Julie Turney, who recently stepped in to apply to Sport England’s Movement Fund on behalf of her West Midlands-based club, Mercian Divers.

Having submitted the application in January, Julie has just received confirmation that her club has been awarded £4,750 to fund a new snorkelling section. This is great news for Mercian Divers, who hope that their snorkelling project will bring in more families, children and young people into their membership.

Mercian Divers snorkelling

In just three months, the club has gone from planning their snorkelling project to hearing the news that they have been successful with their Sport England bid. So, as Julie starts the ball rolling to enable her club to deliver 3-4 snorkel training programmes a year, as well as bringing new Snorkel Instructors on board, she shares her top tips on how to put together a successful grant application. 

Here's what Mercian Divers have learnt…

1. Be prepared to put in the time

If it’s worth doing, then it’s worth doing well. And that means being prepared to put the time in. I completed the application with the backing of our club committee. It had been in the club pending box for some time, I had just retired and had the capacity to take it on, so the timings were just right. All it takes is one person to pick up the challenge and run with it, you’ll be surprised by how much support from fellow members you’ll receive. 

Mercian Divers2. Make the most of any feedback

Our first application, which focused on upgrading our RIB and other aspects of the club, got through to the review stage but Sport England said they wouldn’t be able to fund the project as elements of it already existed. They did, however, outline what they could fund which was very helpful and enabled me to go back to review the application. My original plan had included funding for snorkel kit and it soon became clear to us that snorkelling should be the driving force of the revised application. So, I resubmitted the application which outlined a new snorkelling section. This time, we were successful!

And remember, the funds are there and Sport England want to be able to distribute them so don’t be afraid of their feedback, their guidance can really help! 

3. Do your research 

The process of completing an application can be lengthy, so it’s important to be methodical and go through all the criteria, as well as carefully reading the application form before you start.  

Once you know the project you want to apply for funding for and are confident that it meets the funder’s criteria, then do your research so your application is targeted and specific. Key things to focus on are making sure your project appeals to your local community and be clear on what it can offer, as well as making sure it is inclusive.  

You also need to show that your club has stability and is financially sound and able to set up and deliver the project within the timeframe of the grant conditions.  

4. Keep a paper trail

It be an exciting prospect receiving a grant, but it is essential to also keep on top of the admin. As part of our Sport England Movement Fund grant, we have to do an evaluation, as well as a full assessment at the end of the 12 months.  

Any money not spent as agreed we can be liable for, so it’s vital to organise and keep paper trail and receipts. 

5. Get everyone involved

While it can take just one person to complete the grant application form, you don’t have to do it alone. And I found that the Sport England grant application was a huge boost to the club, generating lots of enthusiasm from our members. The snorkelling section has club-wide support and it seems to have ignited a real passion amongst our members!  

Additional benefits of the snorkelling section is that the RIB will now be used for more diverse reasons, older members can remain active by getting involved in the snorkelling and it has generally been a good motivator tool for people to get involved.  

Mercian Divers

Ask for help…

Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out for additional support. That can be BSAC HQ or other clubs who have been through the grant application process.  

I thought I could do the Sport England application on my own and so didn’t think to approach BSAC HQ. It was only when I was speaking to the HQ team for another reason that I mentioned the application and found out that they also offer guidance and support for clubs with their fundraising. So, if you need some help or simply a chat about your ideas, give BSAC HQ a call, or check out their fundraising guidance online at bsac.com/clubsupport 

Read more information about the Sport England Movement Fund or take a look at BSAC’s blog.

Movement Fund - apply now  

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