BSAC is looking for volunteers to take part in a panel discussion on mental health at this year’s BSAC Diving Conference.

As part of BSAC’s drive to increase awareness of mental health and the role scuba and sport can play in creating a positive, supportive environment, the conference panel will be led by former BSAC Chair and mental health expert, Eugene Farrell.

Eugene is now looking for three volunteers to join him on the panel, who would be happy to share their experiences on mental health and how diving and being part of a BSAC club has helped them to manage their mental health wellbeing. The initiative is also looking for BSAC members to contribute their own stories (which can be anonymous) to an on-going campaign to promote awareness of mental health within the BSAC membership and club environment.

Eugene said: 

“Sharing experiences is a very powerful way to help others to talk more about mental health, and to seek help if they have not already done so. We wish to collect your stories and experiences on what has helped you, that you would be willing to share with other members. It would be especially helpful if any aspect of scuba diving or being part of BSAC has helped you.

 BSAC will be rolling out its mental health awareness initiative over the coming months. If you would like to be involved or would like to join the BSAC Diving Conference panel on the subject of mental health, please email buddy talk.


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