After a trip away or a pool training session, I always get immense satisfaction in signing off successfully completed experiences and skills. Nearly 100% of the time this is reciprocated by the snorkellers’ delight and sense of achievement as they see their snorkel diving and training record develop.
The launch of the Snorkel Dive Manager material in June served as a good reminder or the importance of recording our snorkelling activities and experience, I am sure some of us have had the opportunity to work through this training.
Having good records helps to inform and guide us as Instructors as to where we should focus our attention next. For our snorkellers, they can see what opportunities and options are available to help them continue to develop their expertise and their enjoyment in their sport. For a wider audience, training records are confirmation we are following a recognised training programme.
Question - do we make full use of the logbooks and training records we have available for us to use?
Marg Baldwin
Snorkel Instructor Trainer
Qualification Record Books (QRB)
The Snorkelling QRBs led the way within BSAC by giving us the opportunity to acknowledge the individual skills achieved by our students. An approach that is now being replicated throughout BSAC training. Being able to recognise and log the step by step progression through someone’s training is particularly useful to help us to accommodate the students who learn and develop at different paces, let’s make full use of the QRB.
Student Record cards
Available as a PDF from the website can be kept manually or electronically. I acknowledge using them could be seen as double recording and extra work. But wonderful to have when students forget to bring their QRB or if they manage to lose it. Being able to look across the training records is a good start as to what is needed in your next training programme.
Opportunity to contribute feedback on SDM course content
Hopefully, some have been participating in the pilot SDM course and have been keeping records. Instructors, students and branch members can provide feedback on the course content, materials and resources during the remainder of 2019. Feedback should not just criticise but provide constructive suggestions about how an element might be improved, with worked examples as necessary.
Good record keeping is a major factor in demonstrating that training has been delivered according to a recognised training programme as well as being important in helping to identify any gaps in training. Both are key for safe snorkelling.
Think SAFE – Dive SAFE
Jim Watson
BSAC Safety and Development Manager
Find out more about snorkel training.
BSAC promote and develop the 'best practice' in snorkelling safety for snorkellers in the UK.