In the wake of International Women’s Day, let’s take some time to celebrate women in diving. Let’s also reflect on what we can all do as divers to work towards a more diverse sport.
Gender equality is certainly high on the public agenda right now – but for diving, are there any tangible reasons why increasing participation by women might be in the club’s best interests?
Well, yes, we think there are - research undertaken in both sport and business makes a compelling case for improving gender diversity. Having more women members can deliver many tangible benefits for clubs, such as giving it a wider potential to recruit further members (enabling it to be more easily sustainable) and reducing in-club conflict.
We know that 24% of BSAC members in clubs are female and almost four times as many men take part in our sport than women. It’s good news then surely that Sport England has uncovered that approximately 13 million women in England say they would like to participate more in sport and physical activity? Let’s just promote our clubs to them and we’ll recruit new female members, right? Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as that. Sport England has also uncovered that having the motivation and desire to participate in sport or join a club is not always enough.
Registered charity Women in Sport has identified that 63% of women do not feel confident enough to approach a sports club and that there are many barriers preventing newcomers from taking that first step. So, what’s stopping women from taking part? More importantly, what can your dive club do to attract more women and keep them coming back?
BSAC is now working to answer these questions so clubs can recruit more women and girls. A new website section called ‘Women in BSAC’ has just been launched, with practical tips for clubs wanting to grow female membership.
According to Sport England, in order to grow a more diverse club, it’s important to recognise the different motivations and barriers to women when it comes to taking part in sport. Many clubs would like more female members and are asking for help. This new web section gives practical tips to recruit and retain more women members. As we receive feedback and success stories from clubs and members, we will update the section accordingly so we can share best practice with all.
Visit the ‘Women in BSAC’ section.
Clubs and members are invited to feedback on this topic to info@bsac.com
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