Do you have all your Qualification Records? Do you still log your Snorkel dives? I hope the answer is yes to both questions.
I can say yes to the first one, I have all my qualification records dating back more years than I care acknowledge and I wonder who is that young smiling person in the photographs. The Snorkel QRB has significantly developed over the years and as you know the current version sets out the skill steps for each snorkel grade – so all achievements can be individually recorded.
I hope everyone is making full use of these achievement recording facilities. It is a wise safeguard to keep a scanned or a photocopy record of your training and qualification details, as well as remembering to inform BSAC of each qualification so BSAC records can be kept up to date. Remember BSAC does not keep records of training only the qualification level you have achieved.
One occasion when a Snorkeller is going to need evidence of their qualifications is when they are putting themselves forward for further training. Usually they will need to demonstrate they hold the necessary prerequisites for the course / qualification they wish to undertake. In such circumstances evidence of qualification is essential, saying ‘I remember doing it’, or ‘I forgot to get it signed off,’ simply doesn’t work. So, get out your QRB check all is in order and if appropriate inform BSAC of your current qualification.
- Marg Baldwin, Snorkel Instructor Trainer
Snorkel Qualification checks
Checking with BSAC
It is simple to check if your records in BSAC are up to date. Login to your MyBSAC account and you should be able to see at a glance any BSAC qualifications that you hold. Currently, some records such as Instructor Trainer and alternative qualifications don’t show but this is part of future development.
Need to update your records
Anything missing can be updated by sending copies of the relevant qualification by email to the DRT team and requesting they be updated. The same online checking facility works anywhere you have access to the internet.
Whose responsibility?
Remember the primary responsibility for safeguarding your qualifications rests with the individual. However, Diving Officers of clubs are responsible for awarding them along with your instructors and should take equal responsibility for ensuring records are updated in a timely manner.
Remember to log your dives…
Currently, I am involved in planning a Snorkelling trip to Anglesey. I remember some years ago enjoying some beautiful snorkelling there – but where exactly? If only I had recorded the dives and their locations! Remember, your log book can be a valuable resource.