Make sure your diving qualifications are up to date on your MyBSAC for when you are out and about diving.
What’s in your record?
The BSAC website allows you to log in and check on your personal membership record. If you haven’t already it is well worth logging in to MyBSAC and enter your email address registered on your record. If you haven’t been on previously and don't have a password set you simply need to click the link for ‘Forgotten password’ and then follow the links in the email sent to you.
Your record should allow you to set your personal preferences, request changes to address, phone numbers etc. and your qualifications.
Being able to view your qualifications online means that you should be able to log in anywhere in the world and confirm your qualifications even if you have forgotten your qcards or QRB. Of course this is only truly valuable if the records are up to date and complete.
If for example your diver grade shows but there is no date against it then the record cannot reflect your level of experience beyond the actual qualification. (in particular some pre-1990 records will not currently have a date).
Updating your records may be as simple as advising the date of a qualification (even if it is approximate for the very old ones). Or it may be that you need simply to send scanned copy to the Diving Resources Team (DRT).
Since September 2007 a basic level of nitrox training has been included within the Ocean and Sports Diver training programmes and members records have been updated accordingly. For anyone without a nitrox qualification the Nitrox workshop is a quick and effective means of achieving the same qualification. If your record doesn’t show a level of nitrox training and you think it should please contact DRT. Alternatively if you hold a nitrox (or trimix) qualification with another agency this can be recorded by simply sending a scan. Nitrox is a beneficial gas to use and if you don’t have such a qualification speak to your branch and ask them to run a workshop for you but make sure they notify HQ you have completed it.
Over the last couple of years we have included the facility to record drysuit capability when submitting qcard applications for any relevant diving and SDC courses. We have also asked branch DO’s to notify us of the competence of their divers. If you use a drysuit and it doesn’t show on your record please ask your DO to confirm to us and we will update your record. It means if you unexpectedly need to hire a drysuit and need to prove your competence it will already be on your online record.
Alternative training , including first aid, seamanship and technical qualifications can be recorded as appropriate and if there is anything relevant you would like adding to your record simply send a scanned copy to drt@bsac.com . Having all your information in one place and accessible online can only be of benefit to you so please ensure it is as up to date as possible?
Want to develop your diving and safety skills?
Send your postcode to hello@bsac.com and we'll help you find the right scuba club for you to train with. Or if you fancy a chat call us 0151 350 6226 (Mon - Fri, 9 - 5:30).