Celebrate women in diving and snorkelling this International Women's Day and inspire others to find out more about our wonderful underwater world.
Annually, 8 March marks International Women’s Day and when it comes to sport, women experience more barriers than men. While there are many reasons, Sport England quote fear of judgement, lacking confidence and not having enough time as key issues.
Despite a number of high-profile campaigns from Sport England, more men do sport and physical activity than women in almost every age group. The gender gap in sport still very much exists, even though gender equality in sport (and everywhere) remains high on the public agenda.
Together, we can play our part in breaking down these barriers and making our sport more accessible to others. That’s why we want to take the space today to celebrate BSAC’s women of all ages enjoying our sport!
Inspire more women into diving and snorkelling
In BSAC, around twice as many men take part in our sport than women, as well as a higher percentage of male instructors to female instructors. We would love to see higher numbers of women instructors and last year's Sport England-funded OWI training scheme made a huge impact in boosting those numbers.
We’d like to encourage more women to take part in BSAC activity. If you’re involved in a club, check out the Women in BSAC online support section for clubs, which includes:
- Benefits of a gender-diverse club
- Understand the barriers women face
- Tips to promote your club to women
- Practical tips for the first club visit
- Keeping women in your club
Let's celebrate women in diving and snorkelling
Today, we're talking all about the incredible women in our sport across social media. Check out our "women in diving" quiz on Twitter and Instagram Stories to see how much you know about the pioneering ladies in our history.
At the end of last year, Ann Bevan gave a webinar on the Diving Belles: the historical women in diving and today we've put this live for all to watch and be inspired.
We're also sharing some pics on Instagram of the women divers at BSAC HQ – we would love for you to share your photos too and join in online! Remember to tag us in your posts!
Join the BSAC community
The BSAC network is working together to keep people connected to the sport. With online training, special interest webinars, competitions, support to clubs and the trade, and much more...we'd love you to join us.