Feeling housebound and missing your beloved sport and buddies? We’re here for you and plan to keep in touch over the coming weeks and perhaps months if it comes to that, with all sorts of suggestions, articles, webinars and more to keep you in touch with our amazing sport.
A few quick suggestions for now…
1. Have a big kit sort out
The one you've been meaning to do for years - we know it, you know it, and now you have time!
2. Test your knowledge with the online diver training quizzes
We have quizzes for all Diver Training Grades from Ocean Diver to Dive Leader. Even as a more experienced diver, you can test your knowledge of the basics to make sure your theory is in tip-top shape by the time we're ready to jump back in the water. Go to quizzes.
3. Read SCUBA ’til your heart’s content
Did you know that you can access all 101 issues of iSCUBA online? If you're shy on reading material, now's the time to catch up! Access the archive via your MyBSAC page.
4. Plan future dive trips and holidays
We can't travel right now, but Google is ready and available so you can dream up your next trip. Make a wishlist of all of your future diving destinations.
5. Explore bsac.com
Have you ever had the time to do this properly before? Probably not! The advice and support section has some gems such as advice on planning diving expeditions and diver training support (great if you're partway through Ocean Diver, Sports Diver or Dive Leader courses).
6. Sort out your pics and vids
Some of you are super-organised, some less so. Reminisce and organise at the same time, I'm sure your hard drives and SD cards will be grateful for it! As will your club if you share the best for their website or social media feeds.
7. Brainstorm an eco-project
Always wanted to initiate an eco-project for your club but never had the time? Now’s your time. You may get some initial ideas here.
And three more saved just for our hard-working Branch Officers, and any others, of course, interested in getting involved in the management of their club…
8. Sign up for a new easy-to-use website for your club
Want to improve your club’s website? There's a new offering for clubs to do this. You will love it. Find out more.
9. Go digital with your club’s administration!
Swot up on the online Club Management System, (which Branch Officers can link to from their MyBSAC page) and start saving administrative time in your club.
10. Fully absorb the Grow your club section
Any member is very welcome here, with innumerable articles, advice and ideas to help recruitment in your diving or snorkelling club. The world will bounce back, but let's take the time to get ready. Visit the Grow your club section.
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