With the 2020 BSAC Council election around the corner, BSAC is inviting interested members to put themselves forward for the available Council positions. Hear from two current Council members, Geoff Hide and Davs Brander, to find out what being on Council means to them and what advice they would give to would-be 2020 candidates.
BSAC is still accepting candidate nominations for the Council positions that are becoming available in May 2020, with the closing date of 31 January 2020 for applications to be submitted.
The 2020 election sees three Council positions available - Vice Chair plus two Council members - and BSAC is looking for volunteers with particular expertise in business leadership, entrepreneurial skills, marketing communications, HR, business change or financial management.
Any BSAC member wishing to stand should complete and submit the online nomination form by midnight on 31 January 2020.
Geoff Hide - Vice Chair
Geoff has been on BSAC Council for the last nine years, most recently as Vice Chair. A member of Edinburgh University Sub-Aqua Club, he will be stepping down at the May AGM.
I see the BSAC Council role as making sure that BSAC supports its members in the best way possible and ensuring BSAC keeps up-to-date or ahead of the things that influence diving. Sometimes this can be new legislation, sometimes it can be cultural changes in the way we view things, sometimes it can be things that need to come into line with other volunteer organisations and sometimes it is, of course, new developments in diving.
One of the best things about being on BSAC Council is the people. I have always felt it a privilege to be a BSAC member and find that being on Council has inspired me further to understand the running of the organisation and to be able to valance some of the conflicts inherent with running a business.
If you are considering putting your name forward for BSAC Council, then it's a great experience. You don't have to be a qualified instructor nor necessarily do lots of diving, as Council needs members with skills that can help in business. So if you have relevant skills you can bring to the table, it's an excellent opportunity.
Davs Brander - Council member
A member of University of Nottingham Sub-Aqua Club, Davs currently heads up IT development on BSAC Council. He originally ran to get student members the vote in BSAC elections.
The best thing about being on BSAC Council is to be able to make a difference for our members. Although I am no longer a student, I am currently DO of my student branch so I see the issues students face. I also enjoy doing the IT work in the hope that we are building a better platform for our members.
Sometimes preparing for a Council meeting can be tough if you have a particularly busy week but normally it's okay to manage. We generally meet six times a year, so I plan far in advance and we have the dates of meetings a year in advance so it's pretty rare that I'll miss one due to a scheduling conflict.
Being on BSAC Council is about actively participating. If you're just looking to put BSAC Council member on your CV, then I wouldn't bother. Think about what you can bring to BSAC Council and then decide what it is you want to achieve. Once you have something in mind, speak to Council members and/or HQ and work on achieving those goals. There's always something to do!
Special Resolutions / Motions
Any Special Resolutions / Motions to be raised at BSAC's AGM 2020 should also be submitted by midnight on 31 January 2020.
Special Resolutions / Motions to be raised at the AGM submitted by a branch committee must be accompanied by the relevant extract from the minutes of the branch meeting. Special Resolutions / Motions submitted by a voting member must be seconded by at least four other voting members. All such Special Resolutions / Motions should be sent to BSAC's Honorary Secretary c/o BSAC HQ, for the attention of Mary Tetley.
Have any questions?
Please contact BSAC Chief Executive Mary Tetley by email with any queries you may have regarding the election.