Hello Everyone and Happy New Year.
It’s been a cracking 12 months for the club. For the first time since 2001 we have reversed the slow decline in membership and the 2018 end of year figure is around 200 up on 2017, with the turnaround starting back in June and growing ever since.
The development and launch of the BSAC Strategic plan to 2020 back at the end of 2016 was an important step to focus the organisation and concentrate on what we needed to do to secure this growth. In 2017, HQ worked hard to make our digital offering much stronger, enabling them in 2018 to focus much more active marketing and club (branch) recruitment and retention support. BSAC’s members are its greatest asset, and clubs have been working hard on growth with support from BSAC staff.
BSAC will be continuing this work in 2019, with more effective, practical advice for clubs. We’ll also be expanding the value of membership and the services and benefits we provide so that BSAC membership is the natural choice for any diver or snorkeller.
Help continue BSAC’s growth
Would you like to help continue BSAC’s growth? More Council members with leadership, strategy, governance, IT, accountancy, HR or marketing experience would be a strong asset for the club. So if you have experience in any of these areas then one of the following roles might be for you;
- Chair
- Treasurer
- and three general Council members
If you're interested please contact myself Alex (Woz) Warzynski, BSAC Chair, or Mary Tetley, BSAC Chief Executive. We would love to talk the roles through with you. The deadline for applications is the end of January 2019.
Thanks for all your hard work and support as BSAC members, and hopefully I’ll see you at the Conference, or out diving, in 2019.