With pools starting to reopen many branches are eager to resume their normal activities. The easing of the government restrictions has allowed many in the leisure industry to open their doors but, as Geoff Bacon BSAC’s Diving Support Advisor states, they are only open to individuals at present, so we need to remain patient.
Opening to individuals will allow many members to start working on their water fitness but unfortunately, this does restrict our ability to host pool training sessions. Hopefully, following the further easing of restrictions on the 17 May in England and Scotland, we will have access to our weekly pool visits again.
At present Wales is planning to reopen from the 3 May and Northern Island is reviewing the situation on the 15 April.
Breakdown of regional pool restriction plans
Many pools reopened on Monday 12 April 2021, but only for use by people on their own or with their household. However, from 17 May 2021 indoor adult group sports and exercise classes will also reopen.
From 2 April, gyms and swimming pools opened for individual exercise. As with England, indoor group sports should resume from 17 May 2021.
Indoor leisure and fitness facilities remain closed and plan to open from 3 May 2021.
Northern Ireland
All indoor sports facilities such as leisure centres, gyms, health clubs, swimming pools, fitness and dance studios must remain closed. This is due to be reviewed on 15 April 2021.
Plan for a return to your pool
Though many members may already have taken the opportunity to refresh their skills in open water, others prefer a pool dive to check out skills and equipment before venturing forward. There is also the consideration of the training backlog that has frustrated students and instructors alike.
17 May isn’t that far away so it would be a good time to start preparing a plan to return to the pool. We all learnt so much following the last lockdown and the BSAC return to pool advice is still valid.
We are currently reviewing the return to diving advice but would still suggest contacting your leisure centre manager and discussing what requirements are needed to safely restart your pool sessions.
The following steps are worth consideration…
- Contact leisure centre manager to clarify their procedures.
- Review Covid-19 risk assessment plans and update accordingly.
- Advise branch members of processes and timescales.
- Ensure instructors are ready to commence training.
- Advise students of the training schedule.
Some local authorities have requested confirmation that clubs can return to indoor pools, so we have produced the 'local authority confirmation letter' for use by Branch Officers to support them back into the pool.
You can download the letter or requested it is sent from BSAC HQ by contacting Geoff at drt@bsac.com.
Should you have any difficulties in accessing your normal pool facilities, please get in touch with DRT so that we can help you in any way we can.
BSAC has released guidance to help members and the wider diving community prepare for a safe return to the water. Check it out.