Over 35 try dives were enjoyed at the rebreather taster session at the latest BSAC Try Tech event over the late Bank Holiday weekend, held at the National Diving and Activity Centre (NDAC)
Coordinated by the BSAC Technical team, the Chepstow event was part of the Try Tech initiative, which has seen several weekend sessions at inland sites around the UK.
With a mix of warm sunshine and some stormy weather, the BSAC Try Tech team put divers through their paces with one of four units supplied by AP, Poseidon, Liberty and Red Bare. The new BSAC Liberty unit attracted attention and a new course will shortly be ready for members.
The BSAC Technical Team also ran combined skills courses which included twinset/Accelerated Decompression Procedures, Sports/Explorer Open Circuit and Sports/Explorer Closed Circuit courses over the weekend.
BSAC’s Adrian Collier said Try Tech Chepstow at the weekend was capped with a talk on HMS Victoria.
The evening was filled with some truly inspirational technical diving footage of when the BSAC Technical Team dived the HMS Victoria in Beirut, one of most impressive wreck dives in the world if you are a technical diver.
Try Tech Chepstow proved to be a fantastic weekend and more events are planned for next year so watch this space!
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