Forget your usual resolutions this New Year and opt for something much more fun – by making them all about your snorkelling! Wherever you are on your personal snorkel journey, setting yourself a few key goals can make all the difference to your ‘life on the tube.’
To inspire you, here are five new things to achieve with your snorkelling in 2025.

1. Your next snorkel diver grade
We can all remember the thrill of gaining our first snorkel qualification and the adventures it opened up for us. So, why not look at signing up for your next snorkel diver grade in 2025 to keep that feeling alive!
Progressing through the BSAC Snorkel Diver grades opens up a whole host of new opportunities, whether that’s travelling to far-flung snorkel destinations or exploring the many fabulous snorkel sites our own coastline has to offer. Taking the step to achieving your next snorkel grade can also enhance your club experience and enable you to make the most of your weekly pool night sessions. And, by working towards Snorkel Dive Manager – BSAC’s highest snorkel grade – you will be able to organise snorkel activities and expeditions that could give others the snorkel bug!
2. Expand your snorkelling skills
Boosting your snorkel grade with additional skills can also broaden your snorkelling horizons and give you the confidence and knowledge to take more of a role within your club. Snorkel-relevant Skill Development Courses (SDCs) such as Marine Life Appreciation, First Aid, Snorkel Lifesaver Award, Boat handling or Underwater Surveyor provide additional experience in areas of snorkelling that interest you. And, with so many of BSAC’s snorkelling courses, you will also gain skills such as teamwork, management and problem-solving that you can take into your everyday life too!
3. Brush up on your snorkelling safety
With all things snorkelling, keeping your skills fresh is essential. And top of the list should be those snorkel safety drills. The beauty of BSAC training is that there are plenty of opportunities within your club and through your regional team to practice and hone as well as expand and develop your snorkel safety knowledge. So, if you feel you are getting a little rusty, then make 2025 the year you bring your own safety skills bang up to date.
Check out the Safety section on bsac.com for a wealth of guidance on snorkel diver safety or use BSAC’s online ‘how to’ video guides for essential safety skills. Then make the most of your club’s winter pool time to practice with your buddies, ready for the 2025 snorkelling season.
4. Add more purpose to your snorkelling
As snorkellers, we are privileged to be able to get up close and personal with our precious marine environment. And so we can appreciate first-hand why the underwater world needs to be protected.
By becoming a marine champion, you can not only make a difference but also add more purpose to your own snorkel diving and enhance your overall snorkelling experience.
The skills you have as a snorkeller mean you can participate in a wide range of marine environment initiatives, such as seagrass surveys, litter picks and marine life monitoring. You can develop the relevant skills you may need with one of BSAC’s Skill Development Courses. Choose from Shore Surveyor, Underwater Surveyor, Marine Life Appreciation – or do all three! – and make 2025 the year your snorkelling counts for the marine environment.
5. Become a snorkel instructor
And finally, 2025 could be the year you take the plunge and start on the rewarding journey to becoming a BSAC Snorkel Instructor.
Teaching snorkelling within your club is a rewarding way to develop and support the next generation of new snorkel divers.
As long as you are a qualified Snorkel Diver, you can progress towards teaching snorkelling with BSAC’s two-day Snorkel Instructor Training Course. As a Snorkel Instructor, you can then teach others to snorkel within your own club. Other options include progressing to Advanced Snorkel Instructor and even Snorkel Instructor Trainer.
Becoming a Snorkel Instructor can also be a win-win, in that you will learn so much more about your own skills and abilities, making you a better snorkeller into the bargain!