Get your club together and organise a marine clean up of your favourite dive site
As divers we see firsthand the impact of litter on the marine environment, not only in our seas but on the beach and coastline. This means we are also in a privileged position to help reduce marine litter reaching open water or blighting our dive sites.
Underwater Litterpicks are a great way to help stem this tide of marine litter and BSAC’s online Underwater Litterpick guide and resources will help to get you and your club started.
Designed to support divers and clubs to help clean up dive site debris, the guide is full of top tips and diver safety advice on how to organise an Underwater Litterpick dive and help reduce the impact of marine litter on our precious environment.
Every year, an estimated 100,000 marine mammals die as a result of entanglement in or ingestion of litter.
- Source: MCS
Marine clean as you dive
Get together with your club or your dive buddies and organise an Underwater Litterpick – it could be a stand-alone event in your club’s dive trip calendar or could be incorporated in an existing dive trip weekend. You could use an Underwater Litterpick to maintain a favourite dive site, or you could respond to feedback from other club members as to a particular dive site that is in need of clean up attention.
An Underwater Litterpick can be a team effort or as an individual diver you could commit to being an ‘Underwater Litterpicker’ on every dive…..and encourage other club members to do the same.
Do it – share it! Share your Underwater Litterpick pictures and stories on social media using the hashtag #bsacmarineclean and be entered into the prize draw. You'll be in with a chance of winning an Apeks Regulator worth over £500! The winner will be selected at random after the 30th September 2018.
BSAC Marine Clean 2018 – find out more about all the ways you can get involved.
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You can also join BSAC Direct online today.