Diving and snorkelling activity begins to resume as BSAC continues to monitor and update on the easing of restrictions across the UK.
All nations of the UK are increasingly opening up to larger groups outdoors, and limitations on travel are also starting to ease both throughout a region and across borders with England, Scotland and Wales. Details of the specific allowances can be found in the updated status document.
Organised outdoor activities
With the exception of Wales (which currently limits such activities to under 18s only but will allow six people to meet outdoors and organised groups of up to 30 from the 26 April), all parts of the UK allow up to 15 people to meet for organised events outdoors.
Organised outdoor activities, including diver training, must be under the supervision of an organiser who must ensure that all the requirements for managed activities are ensured including preparing a written risk assessment of the Covid-19 risks and be responsible on the day for ensuring compliance. See our organised events guidance for more information.
Included within this would be training in outdoor swimming pools, which have been allowed to open since 29 March in England.
Indoor swimming pools
Most areas have either opened or are about to allow indoor swimming pools to open. Initially, most are opening only for individual exercise, but some are allowing 1:1 instruction. This can allow a limited amount of pool training to commence subject to the requirements of the facilities and training requirements. See the status document for each UK area situation. Most also provide some indication of when group exercise and training will be allowed indoors, including swimming pools.
Preparation for return to diving and snorkelling
In parallel with the easing of restrictions, BSAC continues to encourage all divers to prepare for their return to diving and address any skills fade by refreshing in controlled conditions.
Early indications are that divers and snorkellers are starting to return to the water and there is considerable feedback indicating that skills practice is forming a significant part of the first dives back. For those yet to venture back we would encourage you to visit the skills practice section of the preparation for return to diving, which includes guidance for all levels of divers including a section for CCR divers.
Instructor and other training events
Easing of restrictions also allows the BSAC instructor training scheme and other training courses to be run where conditions, including travel and accommodation, and other resources allow. Please consult the online events pages for scheduled events to book.
BSAC has released guidance to help members and the wider diving community prepare for a safe return to the water. Check it out.