Sophie Rennie, Diver Training Group Lead, presents an update on what DTG has been working on for the last few months, including some exciting news...
As I sit at my computer looking out at Storm Dennis doing its best to wreck most of the UK, diving seems a world away. However, much has been going on behind the scenes of the Diver Training Group. Let me introduce myself as DTG Lead.
My name is Sophie and I have been a BSAC member since 1990. I have logged more than 2,600 dives around the globe and am currently the Diving Officer of Britannia Sub Aqua Club. Over the years I have had many roles within BSAC (South West Regional Coach, Open Water Instructor Chief Instructor, Snorkel Chief Examiner, SME Cadet Forces Diving, and the most recent and pretty scary – Dinner Compere!), but Steering Group was missing – so here I am!
So – what of the Diver Training Group? Exciting news my friends – we are developing a Freediving course. We have teamed up with the brilliant guys at VDST, who have overseen our training as well as the development of our first-ever BSAC Freediving course. We are at the writing stage and following a pilot with some like-minded freedivers who have stepped forward, we will be rolling out the course.
If you are reading this and have not been approached to help, and want to be included, please get in touch. The course is aimed for the swimming pool or sheltered water, so even storms like Dennis the Menace can't ruin it! Watch this space. Adrian Cadman as Snorkel Chief has also been very busy reviewing and preparing the Snorkel Dive Manager course.
In other news, the Sports Diver course is undergoing a few modifications, as is the Advanced Diver programme. We are listening to our members and reacting with as much speed as our daily working lives allow.
Our group is very busy, as you can see, but we always like getting feedback - so please don't hesitate to get in touch.
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