Clubs and members who managed to complete a diving expedition between October 2019 and September 2020 still have time to put their expedition/project forward for one of BSAC’s key awards.
The Expedition Trophy is awarded annually to a BSAC expedition that promotes the true spirit of adventurous diving. Previous recent winners include Worcester Divers and Southsea SAC and, with the deadline for this year’s award now extended to 7 November, it’s still not too late to enter.
For your diving expedition to be considered, it needs to have been reported on, either digitally, in a video or a formal expedition report. BSAC expeditions which have been completed and featured in SCUBA magazine during the 2019/2020 award timeline will also be automatically considered.
Andy Hunt, BSAC’s Expedition Officer, said he was now relying on more clubs and members to nominate their expeditions for the award by the 7 November deadline.
We know that Covid has disrupted so many of our diving plans but if you or your club were able to successfully deliver an expedition, we want to hear from you.
We understand the personal satisfaction of having completed the aims of your expedition safely, successfully and knowing that the expedition team enjoyed the experience. However, BSAC wants exceptional expeditions to be more formally recognised, hence the BSAC Expeditions Trophy.
So, please don’t be modest in submitting your expedition for the award!
While under normal circumstances, the winners would be presented with Expedition Trophy at the bi-annual Diving Conference, the pandemic has meant that for the 2020 winners, things will be done a little differently.
“Due to the current the national emergency, we simply have to adapt a little and so the Expedition Trophy will be awarded awarded remotely this year or at a suitable social distance,” Andy added.
How to enter:
To nominate your diving expedition for this year’s award, you must inform BSAC’s Expedition Officer know about your expedition, by email, with the relevant details (e.g. a copy of the report, link to published article or hyperlink to video) to expeditions@bsac.com
Participants in the expedition can apply on behalf of the Expedition Leader, but they should get prior approval from the Expedition Leader.
All nominations must be received by midnight, Saturday 7 November, with the winning expedition to be announced by early December.
For more information on the BSAC Expedition Trophy go to bsac.com/awards.