We are continuing to monitor the government advice regarding the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. As the situation develops, please be reassured that our primary concern is the wellbeing, health and safety of all the diving community and the general public.
We know that many of our members are key workers who are keeping the country going during these challenging times, and putting themselves at risk so that the rest of us can stay safe. A massive thank you from all of us.
Pubs, restaurants, clubs, leisure centres and similar venues have been instructed to close, and many of the inland dive sites have reluctantly taken the decision to close their gates until further notice. Tourist areas have clearly felt the strain over the weekend, and so the authorities in these areas are urging the rest of us to stay away. It is clear that we all need to consider the impact of what we do.
We are all being asked to follow Government advice to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (Covid-19). The latest government advice can be found here and includes advice that we should either self-isolate or apply social distancing, by avoiding large and small gatherings in public spaces. By implication, this means we must recommend suspending all normal club activities.
We are a creative bunch and I’m sure we can find ways of keeping busy – tidy our dive kit store, start researching and planning our future dive trips, do some distance learning, collate our dive photos, videos, logs and stories to share with each other. We’ve even seen reports of dive clubs in the (virtual) pub with each other 😊
We are already looking at how we can embrace technology to deliver additional value to members. We’re looking at webinars, online community platforms and an online learning platform, plus a program of content to keep our much-loved sport in members’ minds. We’ll keep you posted on all of those things.
In the meantime, please follow the government advice, stay safe and look after each other.