In the Notice of Meeting issued to members for the 70th BSAC AGM Council has put forward a special resolution regarding changes to BSAC’s AoA.
In addition to being a Branch based organisation BSAC is the National Governing Body (NGB) for scuba diving and snorkelling in the United Kingdom. The AoA describe BSAC’s governance arrangements. It is important that BSAC’s AoA remain relevant, support the effective operation of the organisation and address inclusivity and diversity. They also need to reflect relevant codes of practice, in particular, that are issued by the Sport and Recreation Alliance.
A review conducted in 2022 identified a number of key aspects of the AoA that do not meet these criteria. In response, Council commissioned an expert working group to prepare revised AoA that address the highest priority changes and these are being phased in over a period of time. The group is chaired by the Honorary Secretary and independently advised by a King’s Counsel – a diving member who provided their advice at no cost to BSAC.
Council believes these changes are essential. They build upon those approved by the membership in 2023 and represent a progressive and necessary modernisation of governing practice.
The key changes encompass:
- The introduction of one additional independent member to Council who will not be or have been a member of BSAC. The aim is to ensure that board appointments contribute to creating a board that is balanced, inclusive and skilled: including an independent is a big step towards this.
- Reducing the minimum size of the elected members of the Board from 12 to 10 – and the overall minimum size of Council (13 once the CEO and the independents are included) and reducing the maximum to from 19 to 16 (including the CEO and two independent members).
- Simplifying and applying recognised best practice (as advised by Sport England) in the AoA as regards the handling of disciplinary matters, the intention being to better reflect Council's role as a strategic body whose involvement in disciplinary matters should be exceptional rather than mandated as a matter of routine.
It is important that BSAC, as the NGB:
- Can, when desired, access strategic funding opportunities made available by key partners, including Sport England, Sport Scotland, Sport NI, and Sport Wales. Modernising our governance arrangements will facilitate this.
- Is open and accountable in order to maintain and build trust with our members and stakeholders. Good governance and good practices will enable BSAC to thrive and achieve our strategic goals for 2023 and beyond. It also provides an important mechanism for supporting effective collaboration with external partners.
The proposed changes are interdependent and are hence presented to members for approval as a composite recommendation. They are an important step on a journey of ongoing modernisation and improvements to our governance.
Council believes it is very important that members have the opportunity to discuss and understand the proposed changes. Online meetings are being arranged, details of which will be communicated to all members. Further details will also be published on the BSAC website and in accompanying blogs.
For the reasons detailed above, Council recommends members vote in favour of this special resolution.