Following the BSAC Elections last month, Council is now looking to co-opt a new member into the vacancy left following Edward Haynes' appointment to Honorary Secretary.
When an ordinary council member is elected into another post on the board, Council can appoint a member into the vacancy based on skills and experience. The member co-opted onto Council will serve until the next AGM in May 2022.
What it means to be an ordinary council member
As a Council member, you will be registered at Companies House as a director of BSAC ltd. and BSAC International ltd. Like the directors of any company, you will have a legal (“fiduciary”) duty for the proper running of the business. This is not a responsibility to be entered into lightly.
BSAC Council is responsible for setting and overseeing the implementation of the organisations strategic direction. Council monitors performance, ensures financial viability, identifies strategic risks and opportunities, evaluates business cases, and prioritises activity.
Commitments of a council member
- Attending Council meetings – There are six Council meetings a year. The majority of these will be held virtually, with one or two meetings held in person. In addition, there will be an opportunity for your to use your skills and experiences on Council sub-committees and working groups.
- Leading and supporting specific projects – You will also have the opportunity to provide direction and support on specific projects relevant to your skills and experience.
- Remuneration and expenses – While the role is voluntary and unpaid, we do pay directors’ travel expenses and provide a full induction to the organisation’s work.
What we are looking for
To be on Council, you don't necessarily need to have high-level diving qualifications. Your skills and ability underwater aren't what we're looking for here, although knowledge of BSAC and the wider diving industry is helpful.
You may be right for Council if you have demonstrable experience in:
- Ability to operationalise a high-level strategy into an implementation plan
- Business development and product development
- Legal and commercial management
- Human resources / organisational transformation
- Programme management / business change management
- Analytical skills
- Strategy and risk management
- IT-enabled business change and programme management
- Policy development
- Communications and social media exploitation
We welcome applications from all ages (18+), genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds. We are especially interested in seeing applications from women and other under-represented groups on Council.
How to apply
If this role appeals to you, you are strongly encouraged to have an informal chat with either Maria Harwood, BSAC Chair, or Janos Suto, Chair of the nominations sub-committee.
To apply, please submit a short statement (500 words max.) on what you would bring to the role by 7 July 2021 to maryt@bsac.com.