BSAC is still accepting candidate nominations for the Council positions that are becoming available in May 2018, with the closing date of 31 January 2018 for applications to be submitted.
It is an exciting time to join the team and the club is now looking for members with the right skills and experience to stand for Council and help BSAC grow. The 2018 Election sees six BSAC positions available:
- National Diving Officer
- Honorary Secretary
- Four Council positions
More Council members with leadership, strategy, governance, IT, accountancy, HR or marketing skills and experience would be a strong asset for the club.
To stand for election as National Diving Officer (NDO), you must be a National Instructor.
Ready to stand?
Any BSAC member wishing to stand should complete and submit the online nomination form by midnight on 31 January 2018. For more information and to apply, please see our recent news post 'BSAC Election 2018 – get involved'.
If you are interested in applying but still have questions about what being a Council member entails, contact BSAC Chief Executive Mary Tetley via email.
Stand for National Diving Officer (NDO)
In May 2018 Sophie Heptonstall is sadly stepping down as BSAC's NDO and we are looking for someone to continue the great work she has been doing. She has done a brilliant job and we hope she has inspired you to put your name forward.
Requirements for the NDO position
The NDO position requires the experience of a National Instructor (NI), and someone who has the time, dedication and patience to handle what can be at times, a challenging yet rewarding job.
I’m interested in becoming NDO, what’s next?
We would like to spend the time running up to the election and May AGM working with all the NDO candidates, so if you are considering the position, please let us know so we can start working together to help smooth the transition for this critical role in BSAC.
Please contact either our existing NDO Sophie, our BSAC Chair Woz, or Mary Tetley (BSAC’s Chief Executive) for more information about this opportunity.
Special Resolutions / Motions
Any Special Resolutions / Motions to be raised at BSAC’s AGM 2018 should also be submitted by midnight on 31 January 2018. Special Resolutions/Motions to be raised at the AGM submitted by a club (branch committee must be accompanied by the relevant extract from the minutes of the club (branch) meeting. Special Resolutions/Motions submitted by a voting member must be seconded by at least four other voting members. All such Special Resolutions/Motions should be sent to:
BSAC’s Honorary Secretary c/o Mary Tetley
Telford’s Quay
South Pier Road
Ellesmere Port
CH65 4FL
Voting in the BSAC Election 2018
Eligible BSAC members with a valid email address will be sent full details of the online voting process for the 2018 Election, including voting codes and candidate CVs, in March 2018.
Please help us to make sure our email records are up-to-date by checking your details via your MyBSAC member dashboard. You can update your email address online if your records are incorrect.
Alternatively, members can choose to register for a postal vote by emailing us by 10 April 2018.