BSAC supports HM Coastguard’s new campaign to educate audiences about coastal safety.
The Coast Clever campaign features footballer Adevayo 'The Beast' Akinfenwa who will educate audiences about how to stay safe near cliffs and mud as well as telling them about the importance of checking tides.
HM Coastguard aims to communicate the dangers of the Great British coast to everyone, but especially young men aged 18–30 and dads aged 30-50 who are more likely to be involved in accidents at the coast.BSAC's safety and development manager Jim Watson talks about uniting on water related safety.
BSAC is a long-standing member of the National Water Safety Forum (NWSF) and chairs the Recreation Advisory Group. In supporting the work of the Forum and the objective of reducing the number of water related deaths by 2026 and unite behind the ‘Respect the Water’ banner. As divers we are well placed to recognise risks around the coast and help promote the safety messages.
As HM Coastguard commincates in the campaign, visiting the coast can be great fun, from scenic walks along the cliffs to just relaxing on the beach, but our British coastline can be full of potential hazards and risks. In fact, there were 36,000 Coastguard incidents in the last year alone. These incidents are often caused by slips, trips and falls, or where people have been cut off by the tide. This campaign will encourage coastal visitors to be prepared and know how to stay safe.
HM Coastguard's tips for visiting the coastline include;
1. Calm on the cliff - stay clear of cliff edges and cliff bases
Getting too close to the cliff edge puts you in danger. Stay away from cliff edges and cliff bases. In an emergency call 999 for the Coastguard.
2. Rise and tide - check the tide times before you go
Tides can come in quicker than you think. Tide times in the UK vary around the coast depending on the position of the moon, sun and various other influences. There’s so much to tides, so make sure you understand what the differences mean and how they could affect your trip. Check the tide times online. In an emergency call 999 for the Coastguard.
3. Mind over mudder - don't get stuck in mud, look out for warning signs
You can easily get stuck in the mud. Look out for warning signs in the area and avoid crossing bays or walking through mud for any reason. If you do get trapped, lean back and spread your weight evenly across the surface. Tell others not to try and help you, as they might get stuck too, instead call 999 for the coastguard.
4. Take a mobile phone with you
Make sure your mobile is fully charged and can be accessed easily.
5. Call 999 in an emergency and ask for the coastguard
Coast clever with HM coastguard!
Learn more about coastal safety and more top tips from HM coastguard.