With the easing of restrictions on swimming pools in England, it has been great to see diver and snorkeller training starting to return to BSAC clubs.
Many indoor pools re-opened for business on the 25 July, meaning that another aspect of BSAC club life is slowly getting back on track. One club that has taken full advantage of the return to indoor pools is Newbury Scuba Diving Club.
To catch up with their training backlog, they have already completed their delayed Ocean Diver pool training, in just three nights, with three OD trainees successfully taking part.
Newbury’s decision to swiftly return to their pool was taken after consultation with members and also Mary Hare School, who owns the pool the club uses for its training. Using BSAC’s guidance on the safe return to swimming pools, as well as the school’s protocols, the club completed its risk assessment ready for the first of the three pool nights on Tuesday 28 July.
Club Chair, Gerard O’Neill, said the return to pool training after a three-month absence was a relief for all involved.
All the procedures for safe distancing and sanitising were easy to adhere to and both instructors and trainees had a very productive evening.
As a result, progression for the trainees to open water training can now happen in August. After which the new members can experience the delights of UK diving from the club's RIB based down at Portland, Dorset.
BSAC is encouraging other clubs in England who have not yet returned to their swimming pools to follow its guidance on the safe return to pool training as well as consult directly with their pool facility.
Clubs and members can download the guidance on swimming pools in the Safe Return to diving web section.
Swimming pools in Wales and Scotland are yet to open, but BSAC's guidance will still apply once facilities are open to the public.
If you have any queries regarding the safe return to swimming pools, please contact the Diver Resources Team on drt@bsac.com.
BSAC has released guidance to help members and the wider diving community prepare for a safe return to the water. Check it out.