BSAC continues to review and update its governance to reflect its responsibilities as a National Governing Body in providing guidance and clear policies for our members and representative bodies such as branches, centres and regions.
All members have a duty to treat each other with respect and courtesy and to abide by the rules, regulations and policies at all times and to uphold the integrity of the organisation and its members.
BSAC Code of Conduct
The BSAC Code of Conduct serves as a guidance document not only to show a basic standard of behaviour but also to set out the principles of disciplinary procedures should they become necessary, and in compliance with BSAC Articles of Association. View BSAC rules and policies.
BSAC members, by accepting membership, agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and to act in a manner consistent with membership of BSAC in all matters and not to act in any way which may bring BSAC, BSAC Branches and/or its members into disrepute. By following the Code of Conduct and associated policies disputes can be avoided but occasionally disciplinary action may become necessary. To help ensure any such action is carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner and any action is proportionate, BSAC has published detailed guidance on the conduct of such action.
Disciplinary Procedure
The procedures are already established within the Articles of Association and the model Bye-Laws provided for branches to use ensuring they are not in conflict with the Articles. The new policy does not alter existing disciplinary procedures but seeks to clarify the process and links directly to compliance with BSAC Articles of Association. To help make this link clear we have updated the Model Bye Laws with minor additions for clarity and produced a supporting document that provides notes beside any relevant clause the identify the relationship to the Articles of Association.
The guidance goes to significant length to outline the importance of following a defined procedure and how to resolve disputes at the local level, without the need to escalate branch matters to BSAC.
Grievance Procedure
BSAC has formalised a Grievance procedure for considering grievances from members in a limited number of circumstances after all attempts at resolution have been exhausted. The Grievance process is initiated by completion of an online form. This is to ensure that all relevant information is provided to establish the validity of any grievance and ensure accurate allocation to the relevant person or group for handling.
The form will require detailing the basis of the grievance, steps taken to try to resolve it, what resolution is being sought and crucially the submission of evidence.