Wednesday 8 March is International Women's Day - help us inspire more women and girls to join our sport
When it comes to sport women face more barriers than men. Research by Sport England has identified that there are a wide range of physical and emotional factors preventing women getting active. Barriers include; feeling judged, showing their body, safety, motivation, fear of not being fit enough and lots more.
Sport England and the This Girl Can initiative has launched its new campaign 'The enjoyment gap'.
2.4m more men than women enjoy sport and physical activity. That’s 2.4m women missing out on the opportunity to relieve stress, build connections and improve self-esteem - to feel just a little more badass.
The campaign has identified four action areas.
Activities for women must be:
- Social (help women feel part of a community)
- Suitable (meet women’s needs)
- Self-affirming (help women feel confident)
- Safe (women must feel physically and emotionally safe when taking part).
We can play our part in breaking down these barriers and making our sport more accessible to others. That’s why we want to take the space today to celebrate BSAC’s women of all ages enjoying our sport!
Let's get more women involved
In BSAC, around twice as many men take part in our sport than women, as well as a higher percentage of male instructors to female instructors. If you’re involved in a club, check out the Women in BSAC online support section for clubs, which includes:
- Benefits of a gender-diverse club
- Understand the barriers women face
- Tips to promote your club to women
- Practical tips for the first club visit
- Keeping women in your club
Celebrate BSAC women
For International Women's Day we have women in the BSAC community taking over our Instagram and Facebook stories this week talking about their scuba diving journey. Listen to their stories and their message to women thinking of getting into scuba diving.
Get tagging us on social!
Make sure to tag #BSACdivers in your International Women's Day posts on social!