We're thinking positive but cautious with Safety and Development Manager Jim Watson as he talks about the BSAC's guidance and webinars to help divers prepare to dive another day.
Following the UK governments announcement of their roadmap for easing the restrictions on Monday 22 February and subsequent, though more cautious, announcements by the devolved administrations, there is a noticeable more optimistic view on returning to diving activity. However, the restrictions have not yet begun to be relaxed and it is essential that divers remain compliant with the existing rules and not travel outside your local area or meet others when doing so is not allowed.
Sadly, in many other activities, there is significant evidence of others disregarding their responsibilities, as evidenced by reports of full car parks at beaches and mountains in Wales last weekend for example (Note: in Wales currently, whilst you are able to meet in groups of four from two households for exercise outdoors, you are not allowed to drive to a site to do so). Additionally, in the UK government Covid-19 briefing on Friday 26 February, Professor Jonathan Van Tam raised concerns that areas of the UK were showing evidence of increasing rates of infection saying:
Some areas of the UK are burning quite hot…the battle is not yet won…don’t wreck it.
The implications of such increases were further evidenced this week by the Isle of Man going into a three-week circuit breaker lockdown, following a substantial increase in infections on the island.
Continue to prepare for a return to diving
There is light at the end of the tunnel and as the impact of the vaccination rollout and responsible compliance with restrictions continues there will be a return to diving for many this year. So for those who have already started following the preparation for return to diving guidance, please continue. If you haven’t yet started, please check out the online guidance.
Preparation for a return to diving
Return to diving safety webinars
In support of the preparation for a return to diving program, BSAC NDC Safety Group is scheduling a range of online safety webinars. These will all be recorded and uploaded here following the events.
The initial safety webinar was delivered by BSAC Safety & Development Manager Jim Watson. Jim presents the background and purpose of the return to diving preparation guidance. The recording can now be viewed online.
Upcoming webinars
- Saturday 13 March 2021, 11:00 - Diving safety in 2021 for instructors
Jim will present further detailed guidance for instructors on how they can promote the return to diving preparation guidance to help divers in their clubs enjoy a safe return to diving activity. - Tuesday 23 March 2021, 19:30 - Health of divers project: the last 12 years
Jon will provide a review of the research projects conducted by DDRC over the last 12 years, including DCI and denial, diabetes and diving, drugs and alcohol, and will draw out key messages that relate to the current preparation for a return to diving program - Wednesday 7 April 2021, 19:30 - Is technical diving just different kit?
Jon will provide a review of the research project being conducted by DDRC investigating the equipment, techniques, and attitudes affecting technical diving.
Note: Early booking for the above safety webinars is advised to ensure attendance. Booking will close the evening before the webinar is scheduled, so don't leave it to the last minute! The webinars will be recorded and made available on the BSAC website for subsequent viewing.
Non-members can book on by emailing drt@bsac.com.
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