After a break for the summer diving and snorkelling season, BSAC’s programme of webinars is back and better than ever before!
Building on the success of the previous programme that launched in spring 2020, 30 webinars—free for BSAC members—are now in the works spanning from September 2021 to February 2022.
The new schedule is set to make quite the splash. Topics covered in the new season will vary greatly and include diving safety and medicine; conservation and underwater heritage; photogrammetry and filmmaking, and other member-favourites such as wreck histories, location-specific diving and much more.
We’re also thrilled to welcome (and welcome back) specialists in their chosen fields to provide these talks such as documentary filmmaker John Ruthven, marine biologists Dr Karen Boswarva and Dr Jessica Bellworthy, and Midlands Diving Chamber’s Dr Michael Gonevski, among others.
Coaching Advisor, Mark Paisey, who schedules the webinar programme said:
We are really looking forward to launching the new season of webinars. It was great to deliver something last year that seemed to resonate so well with members and the plan is to build on that from September.
While not all the webinars are ready to be booked just yet, you can find an up-to-date list of what’s on the cards online. If any members have any suggestions for future programmes, they can email BSAC
View programme of webinarsCatch up on previous webinars
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