From November to December 2019, BSAC undertook a membership survey engaging with members to get a better understanding of how they view their membership and what additional value the organisation could deliver to them.
Nearly 3,500 responded, providing a comprehensive insight into how people perceive and experience BSAC membership. The survey covered a whole host of topics focused around being a member. It looked at the reasons why people do or do not join, how people perceive the benefits of BSAC membership and where possible improvements could be made to the membership offer.
BSAC Chief Executive Mary Tetley said:
Member feedback is essential in helping us determine the priorities and direction of the organisation. It’s great news that BSAC enjoys generally high levels of overall member satisfaction, but the findings have also been extremely useful in guiding where we can improve our service to members.
Top line results
- Respondents rated their BSAC membership experience as 4.18/5 (weighted average) and most would recommend BSAC to a family member /friend (4.41/5).
- Most members joined BSAC to learn to dive (62%), to dive and socialise (50%) and to further their training (25%).
- Those planning to stay as members cite their main reasons as being to dive and socialise (66%), to further their training (45%), to keep in touch with the sport (35%), to instruct (29%) and for member insurance (27%).
- Email (4/5), the BSAC website (3.7/5) and SCUBA (3.5/5) are by far the most important communication channels cited by members.
- bsac.com is by far the most regularly used website for diver-related information followed by Divernet and Simplyscuba, with 40% of members visiting bsac.com at least monthly.
- Facebook is the social media platform with which most members engage (58%) followed by YouTube (30%) and Instagram (17.5%), with 17.4% making no use of social media at all.