The use of swimming pools is a key component for diver training in the UK. We have the opportunity now to look ahead to plan and prepare for the easing of restrictions to allow access to swimming pool facilities.
The current prediction for England is that the earliest re-opening of swimming pool facilities will be on or soon after Saturday 4 July 2020. In preparation for this potential announcement, BSAC has produced detailed guidelines in association with Swim England (NGB) and industry partners. The guidelines will be useful to those branches that use swimming pools, and should be read in conjunction with the BSAC guidelines on diver training and equipment. The resumption of swimming pool services may be different in each of the devolved administrations, and from local authority to local authority. It is important to check the BSAC STATUS document and with your local authority or facility management.
BSAC recommends that initiating early discussions with the management of any swimming pool facility you use, will help minimise any delay in access and ensure you can resume in a timely manner, once restrictions are lifted.
Key points
- Establish effective communication with your local swimming pool team and confirm how you will work together to ensure a safe environment for all.
- Plan, prepare, and brief the pool session in advance. Brief either by social media, online interaction or in the open air (groups ≤ 6) outside the pool facility.
- Plan to spend as little time in the swimming pool changing rooms and on the poolside as possible. Go prepared to pass through changing rooms with minimum delay by pre-showering and wearing swimming costumes under outdoor clothing. After diving, dry, change and go home for a shower.
- Scuba equipment should be taken into the facility assembled and be ready for use. The assembly of the scuba unit can be taught in the open air (groups ≤ 6) before entering. Protect mouthpieces from contamination during transit.
- Loose items, such as mask, fins and snorkel should be carried in a bag or container.
Branch Officers and instructors should make themselves familiar with the full guidance documents and provide relevant copies to the facility management, to complement their procedures.
Read BSAC's swimming pool guidanceRead full Safe Return to Diving guidance