There is still time to put your name forward for BSAC Council and help make a difference at such a crucial time for the organisation.
BSAC is accepting candidate nominations for the Council positions that are becoming available in May 2021, with the closing date of 31 January 2021 for applications to be submitted.
The 2021 Election sees some key Council positions becoming available: National Diving Officer, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary, plus four council members. BSAC is particularly looking for volunteers with specific experience or expertise, including business and product development, legal, IT, change management, HR, marketing and digital media. A full list can be found in the BSAC Council application pack, which can be downloaded at bsac.com/election2021.
BSAC Chair Maria Harwood said the 2021 Election was an opportunity for members to help BSAC overcome the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic and positively move forward.
The impact of Covid-19 has caused a significant drop in member numbers, and this has forced us to change our operating model and overall strategy significantly in response to this. However, as well as challenges this also provides opportunities, and we are looking for bright, motivated individuals with the relevant business skills and experiences who can help us make this change.
Anyone wishing to stand must be a paid-up full BSAC members and should complete and submit the online nomination form by 23:59 on 31 January 2021.
For more information and to apply – bsac.com/election2021.
More information and apply now
Special Resolutions
Any Special Resolutions/Motions to be raised at BSAC’s AGM 2021 must also be submitted by 23:59 on 31 January 2021.
Special Resolutions/Motions to be raised at the AGM submitted by a branch committee must be accompanied by the relevant extract from the minutes of the branch meeting.
Special Resolutions/Motions submitted by a voting member must be seconded by at least four other voting members. All Special Resolutions/Motions should be sent to BSAC’s Honorary Secretary c/o Chief Executive Mary Tetley at maryt@bsac.com.
BSAC has released guidance to help members and the wider diving community prepare for a safe return to the water. Check it out.