After a busy year for the club, the 2018 Election is all set to bring new faces on board BSAC Council.
Candidate applications are now being accepted for the following BSAC Council positions, which will become vacant at the next AGM in May 2018. Apply online.
BSAC owes its success to the dedication and enthusiasm of its members. Whether it’s within a club (branch) committee, on the Regional Coaching Team, the Instructor Training Scheme, National Diving Committee or BSAC Council, the wealth of experience, skills and time given by BSAC volunteers is extraordinary.
With the 2018 Election just around the corner, the club is issuing a direct call for members with the right skills and experience to stand for Council and help BSAC grow. Now is a brilliant time to join the team shaping the future of Britain’s biggest diving club
BSAC has some significant opportunities ahead so there is lots to get involved in to help the club progress.
The 2018 Election sees six BSAC positions available – National Diving Officer, Honorary Secretary and four Council positions – and more members with leadership, strategy, governance, IT, accountancy, HR or marketing skills and experience would be a real asset. To stand for election as National Diving Officer (NDO), you must be a National Instructor.
There has been a real progress over the last few years, thanks to the sheer hard work and commitment of volunteers across the whole organisation,
says BSAC Chair, Alex ‘Woz’ Warzynski,
it has not been without its challenges. But challenge brings change. With our focus firmly on membership and club growth, we now need more people with a positive and productive range of skills and experience to help us to drive BSAC forward. This is an exciting time to join the Council team.

BSAC Nomination Form Election 2018
Full details on each of the posts available for election in 2018 and how to apply online or via postal application can be found on the BSAC Nomination Form Election 2018.
All applications must be received by midnight, 31 January 2018
BSAC Council – the lowdown
Are you interested in becoming a director of BSAC (Council member) and help drive BSAC forward? Ideally, you will have experience as a company Director and will bring expertise in leadership, entrepreneurial skills, marketing, communications, business change or financial management.
Here are some key facts on what being a BSAC Council member entails:
- A member-elected volunteer Board, BSAC Council has the responsibility of creating and implementing the BSAC strategy and shaping the organisation’s future.
- To apply for one of the 2018 Council candidacies, you must be a full BSAC member. The successful candidates will come into post at the next BSAC AGM in May 2018.
- You don’t have to be a ‘super-qualified’ diver in order to apply. More important for Council is a diverse range of professional and skills that can be used strategically as part of the team.
- Members are elected for a term of up to three years and are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for a maximum of nine years (Director) or six years (Officer).
- As a Council member, you are legally a Director, registered at Companies House, with Director responsibilities.
- The focus for BSAC Council is policy, governance and strategy – you will not be required to get involved in the day-to-day operational management of the organisation.
- Council members are expected to attend six weekend-scheduled meetings per year, in addition to attending events and functions as required. You will also be able to work on projects or provide advice in your specialist area as appropriate.
Interested in applying for one of the Council positions available but still have questions?
Please contact BSAC Chief Executive Mary Tetley at maryt@bsac.com.
Special Resolutions and Motions
Any Special Resolutions/Motions to be raised at BSAC’s AGM 2018 should also be submitted by midnight, 31 January 2018.
Special Resolutions/Motions to be raised at the AGM submitted by a branch committee must be accompanied by the relevant extract from the minutes of the branch meeting. Special Resolutions/Motions submitted by a voting member must be seconded by at least four other voting members.
All Special Resolutions/Motions should be sent to:
BSAC’s Honorary Secretary c/o Mary Tetley
Telford’s Quay
South Pier Road
Ellesmere Port
CH65 4FL
2018 AGM to be held Saturday 19th May 2018 at the Holiday Inn Ellesmere Port, Centre Island, Lower Mersey St, Ellesmere Port CH65 2AL.
Please contact BSAC Chief Executive Mary Tetley at maryt@bsac.com if you have any questions.