Staff at the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) are pledging to give up using single-use plastics throughout July, as part of the Marine Conservation Society’s Plastic Free July national campaign, and are calling on others to join them.

For many divers, time underwater is a chance to enter a world full of mystery, beauty, colour, diverse marine life, and crystal-clear waters. Unfortunately, plastic pollution is all too apparent for divers and has brought our oceans to a critical state. Billions of pounds of plastic can now be found in swirling convergences that make up about 40 per cent of the world's ocean surfaces. At current rates plastic is expected to outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050.

BSAC is already working closely with the Marine Conservation Society (MCS); calling for more protected marine reserves around the UK and supporting other MCS campaigns, such as litter picks. BSAC has partnered with many charities and organisations over the years to help protect our seas.

Throughout July, the team will discuss how they are finding the challenge and share their experiences, tips and advice on reducing consumer plastic consumtion on BSAC’s social media accounts.  

BSAC Chief Executive Mary Tetley said:

The plastic problem is a disaster of eye-watering proportions. However, taking part in this campaign and taking to social media to help spread the word can only help mount pressure for change. And we desperately need change.

 BSAC has successfully ditched using single-use plastics within its marketing output (such as stopping using polywrap plastic covers when distributing club magazine, SCUBA) and its regional and national training events. The organisation has also pledged to eliminate single-use plastic from BSAC branded products by World Oceans Day 2020.


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If you need help finding a club please email and we'll send you your three nearest scuba clubs. Or if you fancy a chat call us 0151 350 6226 (Mon - Fri, 9 - 5:30).

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