Photo credit: Abdallah Sayed
If you want to learn to scuba dive and fancy combining it with some blue skies and blue seas, there are BSAC centres in fabulous dive destinations that offer courses - from beginner to advanced.
Life can be busy, and it can often be a challenge to pack everything in you’d like to do. So, the good news is that, as a BSAC member it’s possible to travel and train, thanks to our extensive network of overseas centres. Here’s how…
Referral training
When it comes to your diver progression, you can continue your training when you go on holiday. With BSAC centres in both short and long-haul destinations, you can opt for referral training so that you can complete your next BSAC diver grade while enjoying some holiday downtime with family or friends.
Get your family started
If a family member is curious why you love scuba so much, then why not arrange for them to have a try dive on your next overseas holiday? If they are aged 10 or over, they could even complete their first BSAC diver training grade, whether that’s Discovery Diver or Ocean Diver. Training with an overseas BSAC centre is great fun and leaves time within your holiday to enjoy both in-water and topside activities.

Other training
Fancy expanding your diver or snorkeller skills while on holiday? Many overseas BSAC centres also offer a range of Skill Development Courses that can be fitted into your vacay-time. From special interest courses to technical training, you can combine a diving holiday with the chance to add to or consolidate your diving skills.
Club benefits
Opting for referral training overseas has many benefits for your club too as it can help ease the pressure on its training programme and its own instructors. It can also mean a club can ‘fast-track’ its newer members, opening up the opportunity of diving in the UK sooner and progressing through the other diver grades.
Dive and train with BSAC overseas
Start planning your blue water training! Use the locator to find an overseas BSAC Centre. For more information on BSAC’s Skill Development Courses, go to bsac.com/sdcs