It’s Volunteers’ Week. So what better time to say thank you to our fantastic volunteers for the many ways in which they give their time to others.
It’s certainly true that without the time, energy and commitment of our volunteers, BSAC club life as we know it simply would not happen.
From hard working Diving Officers and Instructors, through to Membership Secretaries, Chairs, Equipment Officers and new member buddies, volunteers are the life and soul of BSAC.
This year the theme of Volunteers Week is ‘time to celebrate’. So let's extend a heartfelt thank you, and maybe raise a glass, to the volunteers who tirelessly give up their time for others.
All BSAC members will have benefited from volunteers in some form or other. Sometimes it’s more obvious like receiving training, going on a club trip or social event, a bit of kit advice from your Diving Officer or taking part in a Regional or national training event. And sometimes it’s less obvious such as reading SCUBA magazine each month (which volunteers contribute to and proof read).
BSAC Chair Maria Harwood said:
“BSAC’s volunteers are what makes our organisation special. Thousands of us have benefited from the time given up by others. We all need to remember to thank others as we go through our BSAC journeys. As a volunteer myself and listening to many other volunteers – a thank you goes a very long way!”
To the 10,000+ volunteers who make BSAC tick – a BIG cheers to you!
Want to get involved as a volunteer?
Volunteers make the BSAC world go round. There are so many ways to get involved as a volunteer, from becoming an instructor to helping out at a club Try Dive event. More on BSAC volunteering.