BSAC is an 'issuing authority' for International Certificates for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICCs) on behalf of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

BSAC has been selected, by the MCA, as the representative for the Combined Diving Associations (CDA).

Get international recognition for your seamanship skills with an ICC card

Apply now for your card.

  • BSAC or CDA member fee for ICC card - £22
  • Non-BSAC or CDA member fee for ICC card - £22

 BSAC will then process your card and send it to you in the post. 

The certificate issued by BSAC is valid for a period of five years.

ICC Card Application

Who can apply for an ICC card

ICCs are available, through BSAC, for all member organisations of the CDA such as the Sub Aqua Association (SAA), Scottish Sub Aqua Club (SSAC) and the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI).

Lapsed members of these associations and non-members of the CDA can also apply if they possess a Diver Coxswain Award (DCA) issued by any CDA organisation. There is no additional charge for lapsed or non-members.

Requirements for the issue of an International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC)


The International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC) is available only to British citizens and residents over the age of 16 years.

  • A copy of a passport, birth certificate or BSAC membership number will be required to prove your age eligibility.
  • A copy of a driving licence, utility bill, Council Tax bill or bank statement will be required to prove you residency eligibility (for non-citizens).

Further authenticated evidence of residency for non-citizens may be required.


You must provide a copy of a Diver Coxswain Award issued by any diving association, which is a member of the Combined Diving Associations (CDA).

Please note: BSAC ICC is issued for power vessels not exceeding 10 metres in length and for coastal waters only. It is not issued for sailing vessels, which include power and not exceeding 10 metres, nor is it issued for power vessels operating on inland waterways.

ICC Card Application


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