BSAC is divided into 14 geographical regions in the UK. Each region has a team led by a Regional Coach. The regional teams exist to support clubs and members.
Divided into UK and overseas regions, the coaching scheme provides training and diving advice as well as guidance on club management. It also offers a range of regional training opportunities that may not be available through all BSAC clubs. Each region has a team of experienced instructors who teach BSAC courses, primarily Skill Development Courses (SDCs). Find your regional team...
- London Region
Regional Coach: Craig Daniel - South East Region
Regional Coach: Nick Sims - Southern Region
Regional Coach: John Hudson - South West Region
Regional Coaches: David George - Eastern Region
Regional Coach: James Soos - East Midlands Region
Regional Coach: Jeff Roberts - West Midlands Region
Regional Coach: Bob Huyton - Yorkshire Region
Regional Coach: Carrie Pillow - North East Region
Regional Coach: Paul Crinnion - North West Region
Regional Coach: Stephen Dorricott
- North Scotland Region
Regional Coach: Robin Kirkpatrick - South Scotland Region
Regional Coach: Cara Nicholson
Wales Region
Regional Coach: Steve Barnard
- Ireland Region
Regional Coach: Aoife Lynch-Hughes
- Europe Region
Regional Coach: Mario Monaldi - Asia Pac Region
Regional Coach: Gareth Morris